AVIAN FIELD ASSISTANTS - Agency: Max Planck Institute for Ornithology - Location: Seewiesen, Germany. Job description: we are seeking two field assistants to help us collecting behavioural and physiological data on Great tit (Parus major) for a 6 month contract beginning September 5th, 2011. Our current research focuses primarily on identifying how natural and sexual selection act on animal “personalities” and behavioural plasticity. The candidates will work as part of a large international team consisting of several post-docs, PhDs and students. Duties include behavioral observations (e.g. exploration scores both live and from video, and foraging behaviour in the wild), roosting inspections (involves working nights), bird handling (ringing, bleeding, measuring), measurement of metabolic rates, data entry and data management.
Qualifications: Candidates should have a BSc in Biology or a related field and preferably have proven experience with bird handling. Candidates should be highly motivated, willing to work independently, well organized. A valid drivers’ license is essential. Interested applicants should be prepared to work long hours, often in cold and/or wet conditions, and work on week-ends while still maintaining a positive attitude. We will provide housing and financial compensation for living expenses (400 Euros per month). Applications will be accepted until July 15th, 2011 and should include (1) a statement that highlights relevant experience, and (2) a short resume or CV including contact information for at least 1 reference. Send applications to: Marion Nicolaus (EMail: mnicolaus AT orn.mpg.de) Max Planck Institute for Ornithology; Dept. Behavioural Ecology & Evolutionary Genetics; Eberhard-Gwinner-Strasse 7; 82319 Seewiesen, Germany. For more information about the lab visit: (URL:http://www.orn.mpg.de/mitarbeiter/dingemanse1.html).