Description: Assistant Professor,
Human-Animal Interactions in the Animal Behavior program
Starting Date: September 1, 2020
Qualifications: Ph.D. or equivalent in
Human-Animal Interactions, Animal Behavior, Anthrozoology, or a related field,
or D.V.M. with expertise in these areas required. Preference will be given to candidates with a
documented record of excellence in teaching and with interest and experience developing
certificate programs in Training Animals for Therapeutic Interventions
(undergraduate level) and Integrating Animals into Therapeutic Practice
(graduate level, in collaboration with graduate programs in Occupational
Therapy, Physical Therapy, Clinical Psychology, or other disciplines).
Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to
develop and teach or co-teach some combination of the following courses: The Science of Animal Behavior (with lab);
The Human-Animal Bond; Animal Assisted Interventions; Introduction to Canine
Care, Behavior & Training (with lab); Advanced Skills in Canine Management
& Training (with lab); Animal Assisted Interventions Capstone. Teaching
opportunities in the University’s general education curriculum, which has a
strong emphasis on culture, are likely. Active scholarship leading to
publication focused on animal training, the human-animal bond or animal
assisted interventions is expected.
Additional responsibilities may include supervision of Animal Behavior
internships, academic advising, program development, program assessment, and
other service to the Animal Behavior Program, the College, and the
Rank and Salary: Assistant Professor
(60% teaching, 20% scholarship, 20% service). This position is eligible for
tenure. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications.
The Department: The Animal
Behavior Program is housed within the Department of Life Sciences in the
College of Arts and Sciences. The interdisciplinary program combines coursework
in Biology and Psychology and supports approximately 100 undergraduate majors.
The major is growing rapidly and interest in animal-assisted interventions is
high at the University and among several community partners. Students and
faculty in the department are active in field and laboratory research, study
abroad programs, and internships. We have a strong relationship with our local
Humane Society. The Department of Life
Sciences has a full-time laboratory coordinator. Carroll
University has recently completed construction of science teaching and research
laboratories on campus as well as at the Prairie Springs Environmental
Education center.
The University: Founded in 1846,
Carroll University is an independent, co-educational comprehensive institution
grounded in the liberal arts tradition. The Pioneer Core general education
curriculum has a strong emphasis on developing intercultural awareness. Carroll offers graduate programs in a number
of Health Science fields as well as in Business, Software Engineering, and
Carroll University
is located in suburban Waukesha, 16 miles west of Milwaukee and 60 miles east
of Madison. The University serves approximately 3000 full-time and 500
part-time students. The University, though intentionally ecumenical and
non-sectarian in approach, is related to the Presbyterian Church, USA.
Application: Review of applications will begin immediately
and continue until the position is filled. Please submit a 1) letter of
application, 2) curriculum vitae, and 3) statement of teaching philosophy as
Word or PDF format attachments in an email with the subject line “Faculty
Position: Human-Animal
Interactions" to
Final applicants will be asked to submit graduate transcripts and three letters
of reference. EOE