Two PhD Scholarships Available in Visual Ecology
at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Visual Ecology and Sensory Neurobiology Lab are excited to offer two
PhD scholarships for domestic or international students to work on the
systems of coral reef fishes under the supervision of Dr. Karen Cheney
and Dr. Fabio Cortesi.
Both scholarships are funded by the Australian Government and provide
Living stipend of AUS $28,092 per annum tax free (2020 rate, indexed annually). The scholarships are open to both
domestic and international students, and overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is provided for
international students. Students will be expected to start in the first half of 2020.
Please apply by Feb 21 2020 (details below), but these positions will remain open until the positions are filled.
Information on the these positions can be found here: