lundi 19 mars 2018

4-year PhD studentships in Behaviour Informatics at Newcastle University

4-year PhD studentships in Behaviour Informatics and the multimodal study of behaviour 

Are you interested in developing novel approaches to understanding, predicting or changing behaviour? 

Newcastle University is offering five, 4-year PhD studentships in the field of behaviour informatics. These are fully funded for UK and other EU students.

Behaviour informatics brings together the study of behaviour in all its guises, from economics to psychology and from behavioural ecology to animal welfare, with new methods from computational science and engineering to address challenging questions in human and/or animal behaviour. 
We want to attract students with backgrounds relevant to either behaviour (life, social sciences and economics) or informatics (computing science, engineering and mathematics) who are keen to expand their skills and pursue research at the intersection of these disciplines.  

Students recruited in 2018 will form the first cohort of an integrated programme funded by the Leverhulme Trust to develop training in behavioural informatics at Newcastle. In the first year, all students will conduct three taster projects that will give them the opportunity to choose and develop their final PhD project. All students will work with two supervisors, one from each discipline. The four-year program is designed to allow time for the upskill training necessary for successful inter-disciplinary research. 

For further information please visit: