mardi 3 avril 2012

Postdoctoral research position on wolf-moose ecology in Sweden

Type of employment: temporary (1 year with one possible renewal), full time (100%) Location: Grimsö Wildlife Research Station, 73091 Riddarhyttan, Sweden
Starting date: as soon as a suitable candidate is found

The Scandinavian Wolf Project and the Grimsö Wildlife Research Station at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) are seeking a postdoctoral scientist to conduct research examining whether re-colonizing wolves change the behavior of their main prey species – the moose.

Project overview

Assessments of the impact of predators on prey are often limited to estimating the direct rate of predation and ignore risk effects, i.e. anti-predator behavioral responses such as vigilance, habitat selection, activity patterns, grouping behavior, which may ultimately affect the physiology and demography of prey. The postdoctoral scientist will test the possible existence of risk effects of re-colonizing wolves on moose by analyzing long-term field data collected by the Scandinavian Wolf Project.

The project uses both an experimental design and a descriptive study focusing on behavior, resource utilization, and demography of moose in response to wolf presence. Data includes GPS-data from collared moose and wolves, GIS-data on habitat variables, reproductive and survival data from collared moose, as well as data from aerial censuses and long term pellet group counts of the moose population. The postdoctoral scientist will be responsible for compiling and analyzing these data and preparing peer-reviewed publications. This research project has a good potential through data made available from long-term studies performed on both species.


The postdoctoral scientist should have a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology, population dynamics, quantitative modeling of ecological processes or a closely related field. Proficiency with quantitative ecology methods and statistical modeling is desirable. Familiarity with quantitative analyses of habitat selection using GIS-data and/or analyses of survival of radio-marked individuals would be an asset. Experience with and/or interest in wildlife ecology is desirable but not required. The postdoctoral scientist should be able to work independently, but also cooperatively with other researchers. Please note that this position is not opened to Swedish citizens.

Position details

The position is available immediately and funded for one year (12 months) through a donation from the private Carl Tryggers Foundation which includes a monthly income of 20 000 SEK after tax (2200 EUR / 3000 USD). Depending on a favorable decision from the financing foundation, this position may be extended for one more year. The position is located in Grimsö Wildlife Research Station – a research unit from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – which specialized on predators, ungulates and their interactions with ecosystems and people.


Applications (including cover letter, resume, publication list and references) must be submitted by email to Dr. Håkan Sand ( and Dr. Johan Månsson ( who should also be contacted for any questions regarding the position.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.