jeudi 5 mai 2022

PhD position available

 We are looking for candidates for a paid PhD Scholarship at Liverpool John Moores University in the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences. The topic is 'Thermal imaging of birds as a rapid assessment tool for monitoring impacts of environmental change'.

The aim of this PhD studentship is to develop and validate a new rapid assessment approach to environmental monitoring based on using non-invasive thermal imaging of birds (and potentially other wildlife species) to detect physiological responses to environmental stressors that will give early warning of future negative environmental impacts. Accelerating human-linked environmental change is driving widespread demand for innovative ways of tracking the cumulative impacts of climate change and other human impacts and our pilot work on thermal imaging of wild birds has already shown promising results that can be readily built on in the time frame of a PhD studentship.

For more information see the link below or contact Dr Ross MacLeod >><<.

The position remains open until a suitable candidate has been found.