dimanche 7 juin 2015

Graduate Meeting Sep 2015: 'Studying Animal Behaviour in the Field'

We would like to draw your attention to an upcoming meeting we are organising at the Konrad Lorenz research station for Ethology (KLF) in Gruenau, Austria:
'Studying Animal Behaviour in the Field'
17th to 19th September 2015

Meeting for MSc, PhD students and early Post-Docs

Invited speakers are

Thomas Bugnyar
Leonida Fusani
Marta Manser
Walter Hödl
Barbara Taborsky

With this meeting, we aim at bringing together interested students and young researchers to present their work and discuss common problems, solutions and future plans with colleagues and experienced invited speakers.

We further offer the following workshops related to the topic:

1. Introduction to R 
2. How to analyse an animal's home range 
3. Non-invasive methods to study hormones and parasites

We welcome any presentations (oral or poster) related to the topic 'Studying Animal Behaviour in the Field' (e.g. observational studies in the wild, bio-logging, behavioural physiology, long-term monitoring, as well as comparative work from captivity and the field) and encourage you to contact us on graduatemeeting2015@univie.ac.at if you have any questions! 

Kind regards,
The Organising Committee
Ira Federspiel, Didone Frigerio and Matthias-Claudio Loretto

We acknowledge support by Ethologische Gesellschaft, Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft and University of Vienna.