mercredi 10 janvier 2018

Funded PhD Place in Animal Welfare

The School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast invites applications for a fully funded 3 year PhD in animal welfare. 
Project Title: Auditory stimulation and animal welfare
Supervisor: Dr Deborah L. Wells (
Aims:  Recent attention has been directed towards the value of auditory stimulation for animals, notably those housed in captivity, with positive short-term results.  The specific effects that this type of stimulation actually has on an animal’s functioning, however, is still largely unknown, despite the widespread belief that it is inherently enriching and now of commonplace use in captive, and other, settings.  This PhD will explore the effect of different types of auditory stimulation on the psychological functioning and well-being of animals.  Whilst the project will focus primarily on the domestic dog, a species routinely exposed to stressors that jeopardise its welfare, there may be score for expansion of the research to other animals, both domestic and exotic.
Funding information: The PhD award is funded by the Northern Ireland Department for the Economy (DfE), formerly the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL).  The studentship may cover maintenance and fees for a maximum of three years. UK residents: fees plus maintenance. Other EU residents: fees only.  For further details regarding eligibility criteria (including academic, citizenship and residency criteria) please see
Deadline: The deadline for applications is Thursday 1st February 2018, with interviews likely to take place in the week beginning 28th February 2018.  For how to apply see:  Applicants must have at least a 2.1 degree (or equivalent) in Psychology or a related subject. 
For further information on the School of Psychology see