jeudi 9 mars 2017

Open position ingénieur d’étude (IE) at neurphotonics laboratory

All optical investigation of brain circuits with optogenetics and wave front shaping

The  Wave  front  engineering  microscopy  group  at  the  Neurophotonics  Laboratory (  in  Paris  has  an  open  position  for  a  2-3  years laboratory engineer (Ingénieur d’Etude). The candidate will assume a key role in a research project recently financed by the NIH in the framework of the ‘BRAIN’ (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) initiative. Understanding communication between neurons, who is talking to whom, and what language they are speaking, is essential for discovering how brain circuits underlie brain function and dysfunction. Over the past decades, neuroscience has made exponential progress toward recording and imaging communication between neurons. In addition,  geneticists  have  recently  developed  the  capability  to  manipulate  neurons  with  light  through  the expression  of  light-activated  proteins  called  "opsins”.  The  use  of  these  new  tools  requires  sophisticated illumination methods. In the past years, the Wave front engineering microscopy group has pioneered the use of wave front shaping approaches (computer generated holography, generalized phase contrast, temporal focusing) to  deliver  patterned  light  into  brain  tissue  thus  enabling  simultaneous  activation  of  multiple  neurons  and independently  controlling  the  strength  and  timing  of  light  targeted  to  each  cell.  In this project, we  aim  at characterizing newly  developed  opsins  to  determine  which  are  best  suited  for  wave  front  shaping  techniques, implement wave front shaped patterns in three-dimensions and validate the use of the system in collaboration with neuroscientists studying circuits in optically and physiologically diverse neural systems.

Job profile
The  candidate  will participate  in developing  an  experimental  strategy  enabling  all  optical  brain  control  by combining  optogenetics  photostimulation  and  Ca2+ imaging.  This  will  require  the  screening  of  different optogenetic  compounds  and  different  combination  of  optogenetics  actuators  and  reporters to  determine the optimal combination enabling investigation of brain circuits with millisecond temporal precision and single cell resolution.
The screening will involve the use of viral injections, in vitro preparations, electrophysiological recordings and calcium imaging.
The candidate will be also responsible of the organization and management of lab stocks.
We  are  seeking  a  candidate  with  a Master  or  equivalent  in neurobiology,  biophysics,  or  related  field  with  a demonstrated experience  in:  viral  injections,  cell  cultures,  cell  primary  cultures,  immunohistochemistry, genotyping.
Experience in optical imaging and electrophysiology is welcome but not mandatory.
Contract duration:
2-year renewable
Salary (net)
20,000 -26000 /yea depending on candidate experience
How to apply
Application must be sent to:
Please include the following information:
- CV
- Brief summary of previous activity
- Contact information of two referees
Contact information
Valentina Emiliani