We are advertising a PhD project in this year's competitive funding round for the EastBio Doctoral Training Programme (if successful, these studentships are fully funded for 4 years, and come with £5K per annum research expenses, dropping to £2K in the final year) on the topic of social learning in archerfish. For more details of the project see this link: http://www.eastscotbiodtp.ac.uk/archerfish-model-sophisticated-social-learning, where you can also find more information about the EastBio DTP.
The PhD would be co-supervised by myself (http://biology.st-andrews.ac.uk/contact/staffprofile.aspx?sunID=ler4) and Dr. Mike Webster (https://mikemwebster.wordpress.com/), in the Centre for Social Learning and Cognitive Evolution (https://synergy.st-andrews.ac.uk/solace/) at the University of St Andrews (https://synergy.st-andrews.ac.uk/research/phd-study/).
For information on eligibility and how to apply, see this link: http://www.eastscotbiodtp.ac.uk/how-apply-0. Please note that applications can only be accepted via the process detailed there, but if you wish to discuss the opportunity then do contact myself (ler4@st-andrews.ac.uk) or Mike (mmw1@st-andrews.ac.uk) directly.
Vous venez de réussir votre master 2 éthologie, écologie, and coe, ce blog est le vôtre! Il vous permet de retrouver différentes offres de PhD, emplois, stages, et même post doc pour les "anciens"... Outil de mise en réseau des informations, ce blog offre à chacun de la liberté de participer et ainsi permettre à tous de trouver au plus vite sa prochaine étape professionnelle. Si vous avez une offre à poster, transmettez la à : marine.grandgeorge@univ-rennes1.fr