Applications are invited for a three year Daphne Jackson Fellowship that will be hosted and sponsored by
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).
The fellowship is intended for individuals who want to return to
research in the areas within the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Queen Mary University of London is one of the UK's leading
research-focused higher education institutions, a member of the
elite Russell Group of UK universities and ranked joint 9th in the UK
in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework. Queen Mary has a
distinguished tradition in science and engineering, and was one of the
first UK universities to establish engineering, computer
science, chemistry, and materials departments.
The Faculty today provides research and teaching excellence across
engineering, science and mathematics in five academic Schools (Biological and Chemical Sciences, Physics
and Astronomy, Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering and
Materials Science, and Mathematical Sciences), and the fellowship will be based in one of these areas.
Daphne Jackson Fellowships
The Daphne Jackson Trust is dedicated to returning scientists,
engineers, technologists and mathematicians (STEM) to their careers
following a break taken for family, caring or health reasons.
Daphne Jackson Fellowships are unique - they offer STEM professionals
wishing to return to a research career after a break of two or more
years, the opportunity to balance an individually tailored retraining
programme with a challenging research project in
a suitably supportive environment.
Fellowships are part-time over two or three years and consist of a
challenging research project and at least 100 hours retraining per year.
The unparalleled support offered by the Trust's Fellowship Advisors and
administrative staff, coupled with mentoring
and retraining provided during the Fellowship, give returners the
confidence and skills they need to successfully return to research.
For further details about the application process, Trust and fellowship scheme, please visit
For further information before submitting an application please
contact the Daphne Jackson Trust office on 01483 689166 or via email at
If you require assistance with identifying a potential supervisor at QMUL, please contact Bryony Frost ( We cannot guarantee that an appropriate
supervisor will be found.
How to apply
To be considered for this opportunity, please complete the CV and personal details
information forms that can be found on the Daphne Jackson Trust website:
Submitting your personal statement and CV
Please outline your area of research interest and a summary of which
existing research grouping or area at QMUL your work links to. If you
have identified a potential supervisor, please include their name and
contact details. Please
email your submission to the Daphne Jackson Trust office at
stating clearly, QMUL Sponsored Fellowship Application.
Closing date for applications is Monday 12th June 2017
Posted by Elaine Hunt
The Daphne Jackson Trust
T 01483 689166 | | @DaphneJacksonTr